Representaciones Medites, C.A.

We are a Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Company with more than 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector

Brief History - The Beginning

Representaciones Medites, CA was born in August 2000, when its founder Dr. Juan Delgado, a Venezuelan and a pharmacist, as a result of his survival in the tragedy that occurred on the Caribbean coast in the state of Vargas, current state of La Guaira on December 1999 (the worst natural disaster to have occurred in Venezuela during the 20th century), devastated by all the material losses, he went to Caracas and took refuge in his parents’ house. Due to the need in which he found himself, he makes the decision and initiative to establish and develop the company with Venezuelan capital and technically being himself, the pharmaceutical manager until the present date.

Empresa Farmacéutica Venezolana

In the beginning, only injectable drugs from a laboratory were marketed, which were directed to hospitals. In a short time, they began new commercial relationships with other national and transnational laboratories, which allowed them to grow day by day, basically developing in the public health sector, distributing essential therapeutic drugs throughout the country, in their different pharmaceutical forms.

Brief History - Continuous Growth

The company, by being always up to date with all legal, technical, financial and tax obligations, has been able to be solvent with formal duties thus enabling its participation in public contracting of calls for tenders and open or closed tenders carried out by the national, state or municipal public administration, for the acquisition of massive and high-cost drugs. In this way, it has been able to satisfy health care needs and has obtained satisfactory performance evaluations.

Empresa Farmacéutica Venezolana

With a view to constant and competitive growth, to continue providing a high level of service and quality, with the sole idea of ​​covering and satisfying the needs of our customers, the company not only dedicated itself to the distribution of pharmaceutical products to the public health sector but also also to the private health sector, through the marketing of drugs directed to clinics and pharmacy chains throughout Venezuela.

This has been carried out thanks to the intangible resource of human capital, committed, with mystique and ethics that works within the facilities, those who work outside the company providing their outsourcing services and the sales representatives who are the links of the laboratories suppliers. The valuable work of all of them has allowed us to maintain ourselves over time. From its president, in charge of general strategies, its vice president, in charge of executing the strategies, to each of the people in gender equality who, based on their work, tenacity and dedication, have generated greater productivity over the years and economic development giving value to the company.

We are a Vanguard Company

Always thinking of our clients, Representaciones Medites, CA, in any of its business units, is in search of new market opportunities, innovative or avant-garde products, both brand and generic, with the highest quality standards, products own, or international commercial alliances that allow to improve the product portfolio.


Satisfy the demand for essential therapeutic drugs through representation and marketing in Venezuela, providing efficient and responsible attention, giving the optimal balance between quality and price.


To be a pharmaceutical company in continuous growth, modern, efficient, adapting to the needs of the environment, always at the forefront in the search for the best options that satisfy the needs of our clients in the right to health and life, with access to quality pharmaceutical products.

Our values

Integrity and Honesty

For this, the company has people with straight, proven and faultless conduct. We are decent and decent people at the service of the client.


This allows the company an institutional and individual management with clear criteria that can be understood without any doubt or ambiguity.

Service vocation

We have a vocation to serve to satisfy customers in accessing pharmaceutical products in a timely manner, with quality criteria and competitive prices.


This allows us to actively control and decide what to do at all times, anticipating events for good performance in the distribution and delivery services of pharmacological products.


We have disciplined people, which allows the optimal execution of their personal and institutional actions with a moral conscience.


The service we provide reaches to grant our clients and community the highest security in pharmaceutical products.


We pay care and attention to each of the operational processes without compromising society or the environment.


Based on our trajectory, today we can affirm that we have workers who act firm and faithful to their principles dictated by their moral conscience and at all times abiding by the legal provisions in the performance of their duties and treatment of the work team in human relations .