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Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Company

More than 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector

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We are health capsules!

With Medites products you improve health

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More than 23 years of experience

Health professionals at your service

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Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Company

More than 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector

Representaciones Medites, C.A.

Representaciones Medites, C.A. is a pharmaceutical company legally established in Venezuela, technically authorized by the competent authorities for the marketing of drugs in bulk, intended to prevent, diagnose, alleviate or cure diseases in human beings aimed at the health sector, public and private, outpatient and hospital, massive and high cost.

We have permission in the Sanitary Comptroller’s Office of the Ministry of Popular Power for Health

Drugstore and House of Representation.

We are health professionals and we know about medicines

At Representaciones Medites, C.A. our priority is to meet the needs of our customers without compromising the basic principles of our profession, in the prevention of diseases, as well as in the promotion and restoration of health through access to pharmaceutical products.

We are health capsules!


Pharmaceutical products

At Representación Medites, C.A., we have more than 23 years of experience in Purchase, Sale, Storage, Distribution and Marketing of pharmaceutical products from recognized national and transnational laboratories.

In addition, we have 2 years of experience in Representation, Registration, Import, Distribution and Marketing of Medicines, Natural Products and Cosmetics legally registered by us in the country.


Consulting and Advice on Regulatory Affairs

In Representación Medites, C.A, with the wide experience that supports us, we provide Consulting Services in Regulatory Affairs within the pharmaceutical sector under technical and legal foundations in the management of permits and sanitary records of establishments, pharmaceutical specialty, cosmetics and medical equipment.

Health Records for establishments.

Health Records for specialty pharmaceutical, biological, cosmetic, equipment and medical supplies.

Import permit for specialty pharmaceutical, biological, cosmetic, equipment and medical supplies.


International Reach

Representaciones Medites, C.A. offers advisory and consulting services on regulatory affairs to laboratories and pharmaceutical companies located around the world that want to market their pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, medical supplies and equipment in Venezuela, under the regulations and laws of our country.

We are health capsules!

Why choose us?

We are a company that is not only dedicated to the purchase and sale of pharmaceutical products, but we are also advisers and consultants on regulatory affairs with a professional and qualified team widely recognized in the health sector.


Scientific and current information on health issues

7 easy natural tips to oxygenate your brain

7 easy natural tips to oxygenate your brain Source: LatinAmerican Post | Ignacia Ravelo Learn more about the brain, its relationship with oxygen, and discover how you can maintain it in optimal conditions naturally Mental weakness, lack of concentration and difficulty understanding, depression and fatigue are the typical symptoms of a poorly oxygenated brain. Have you […]


Arteriogram Source: MedlinePlus, information service of the US National Library of Medicine. An arteriogram is an imaging test that uses x-rays and a special dye to see inside the arteries. It can be used to view arteries in the heart, brain, kidney, and other parts of the body. Related tests include: Aortic angiography (chest or […]

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis Source: Medline Plus, information service of the US National Library of Medicine. Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults. It is […]


Contact us, it will be a pleasure to assist you.


Av. Este 6, Edif. Centro Parque Carabobo, La Candelaria, Caracas, Venezuela


+58 212 5785013 - 5782455 – 5780356


+58 212 5785013


+58 212 5782345


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